Rainbow trout is a cold-water pond fish raised by the genus Pacific Ocean. It is an important cold water fish. Because the mature individual has a brown-red vertical line along the side line, it is like a rainbow, hence the name. It is native to northern North America and the western coast of the Pacific Ocean. It mainly lives in low-temperature fresh water and requires high water quality in aquaculture waters. Rainbow trout is a food fish that has been moved into multiple countries but has become an invasive species in some areas.

Rainbow trout have been farmed in the north for many years. The South is relatively rare. However, in some areas of the South, especially in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Hong Kong and other places, the demand for it is not small. Therefore, some people artificially raise rainbow trout in areas where mountainous springs are rich in water resources. Most of them are carried out in aquaculture. Because the water quality of the water source is mountain spring water, the water quality is excellent and the temperature is suitable. Therefore, the cost is relatively low.
In recent years, environmental protection supervision has increased, and the problem of aquaculture sewage discharge has become increasingly prominent. Therefore, environmentally friendly and energy-saving factory farming mode has become an inevitable trend.
Guangzhou is in the tropics and it is not suitable for breeding rainbow trout under normal conditions. But some places with abundant spring water are equipped with refrigeration equipment. Factoryized rainbow trout farming is also possible. Near-farming, near-sale, the price advantage of live fish sales is obvious.
This system uses a simplified version of the circulating water treatment system. Because there is a spring water blessing. The requirements for circulating water are not very high. Maintain a water exchange rate of no more than 20% per day. During the high temperature season in summer, the chiller is used to cool the circulating water. At the same time, insulation measures, such as filter sand tanks and protein separators, are wrapped with insulation cotton.
System Configuration
Filtration equipment: The filter uses a filter sand tank, and small particles of organic suspension are removed using a protein skimmer.

Constant temperature equipment: equipped with a chiller to automatically control the temperature.

Aeration: Oxygen is a pure oxygen generator with an ultra-micro bubble generator solution.
Ammonia nitrogen and nitrite: the method of aerated biological filter plus beneficial bacteria. Regularly and quantitatively invest in a certain number of high-quality compound beneficial bacteria.
fish pond: A total of four PP plastic fish ponds with blue spirits, each with a capacity of about 7 cubic meters, and a total of about 30 cubic meters of water for each of the four pools.

Breeding density: The first phase is based on low-density testing, and the maximum density is expected to carry 50 kg per cubic.